The Old World Lives! A Warhammer fantasy podcast

The Old World Lives is a Warhammer Fantasy battles podcast. The podcast aims to provide a good coverage on topics like background, army lore and rules, painting and hobbying.

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Tuesday Dec 03, 2019

Welcome to The Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast. In this episode:Part 1: Jens, Jimmy and Niklas have a nice and rounded hobby chat with news, games played and general hobby talk. Including speculation on the cryptic GW "All things come around..." message.Part 2: Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas team up to tackle the news of A new Warhammer Edition... In the future.. Not soon* announcement, speculation ensue. Also including news and games played!Enjoy
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019

Welome to the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy podcast.
In this minisode Niklas and Joe discuss the real-time Albion event that took place a while back. They also talk about future events!Link to event:
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Thursday Oct 10, 2019

Welcome to episode 18 of The Old World Lives! a Warhammer Fantasy podcast.
In this episode Christopher and Niklas discuss, at length, all things dwarven. Lore, Grudges, awesome 6th edition rules, Slayers, more grudges, did you just step on my pet rock oh my god we got a grudge now... since THIS IS OUR DWARF SPECIAL! Woo!Timestamp for a SPOILER for the latest Gotrek audiodrama: 15.05-15.58And we are fully aware of the distorted voices in part of the episode. This was sadly only discovered at the time of editing although it should be easy enough to understand what we are talking about!Hope you guys enjoy it!
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Saturday Sep 14, 2019

Welcome to episode 17 of the Old World Lives! a Warhammer Fantasy podcast.
In this episode Jens (wait whaaaaaaat so soon?), Jimmy and Niklas join forces and dance on the table like the rats they are. I mean... join for a chat about hobby progress and Jimmy's trip to Finland and the great Mordheim MMXIX event that took place in the middle of Summer. 
They also talk about a game day Jens and Jimmy had recently.
Oh and.... NSFW
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian
Email: theoldworldlives@gmail.comCheck out these lovely instagrams related to Mordheim MMXIX and the hobby in general!@echoesofimperium@northofsleet@koltti@migsula@a_polanscak@hrosshvalur_lunde@nordics_minis@btwnbolterandme@accipiternidum@fgsdfs@hi5rambo@tears_of_envy@simonsen.1974@nicolasgrilletAs well as Jeff Vader who isn’t on Instagram but has a blog,

Sunday Aug 18, 2019

Disclaimer: This is an episode of the Elector Counts podcast featuring our very own Krell the [insert name here, competition to come...possibly] and Tim and Spencer from the Electour Counts. Uploaded with permission and in the spirit of cross-pollination and brotherly cooperation! End disclaimer.
The Annual Warhammer Fantasy Edition Wars Debate MMXIX
In this debate Tim and Krell sat down to record an edition wars debate, but to avoid a fair fight, Tim bloodskyped in Spence and after a brief twenty minutes of Kindred: The Embraced talk, they got down to business!
If you havn't already, check out The Elector Counts:

Monday Jul 29, 2019

Warning. This episode is unedited and contains discussions of heretical beliefs. No editing. Not suitable for all audiences. Enjoy!
Oh and.... NSFW
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Monday Jul 08, 2019

Welcome to episode 16 of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast. In this episode Christopher and Niklas answer your listener questions!
Thank you to all who sent us questions, we appreciate it!
Note: some background noise and patter of paws in this episode.
See you in the next one!
Social media:
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian
Links to podcasts mentioned:

Monday Jun 17, 2019

Welcome to episode 15 of the Old World Lives! a warhammer fantasy battles podcast.
In this episode Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas debut a new segment called Tactica. This episode features Tactica Fast Cavalry for 6th edition Warhammer Fanrasy Battles.
Main segment features Jimmy and Niklas (with special guest Hugo) reminiscing about their trip to Poland to take part in a grand warhammer event!
Enjoy and don't forget to send in your listener questions!
Social media:
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Thursday May 30, 2019

Welcome to episode fourteen of the Old World Lives! A warhammer fantays podcast.
In this episode Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas starts off with some hobby talk and finishing off on spoiling details about an event currently in the planning stages!After this Krell and Niklas (Mostly Krell to be fair.....or static...) goes through the Vampire Lore and armies of the Old World!Enjoy and don't forget to send in your listener questions!
Social media:
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

Sunday Apr 21, 2019

Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Battles Podcast.
 In this (lucky) episode we talk news and discuss how to create a warband for Mordheim, complete with four sample warbands and the thoughts behind them. And yes, it went a bit robot-y at the end there!
Enjoy and see you in the next one!
cast: Christopher, Jimmy, Niklas (muted Krell).
Social media:
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures
event links:
Events can also be found in the Warhammer fantasy battles 6th ed group on Facebook 

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