
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
This episode is a "bonus" episiode due to real life interfering and pushing the recording date of our next episode (5: How to play 6th edition) a few more days.
Christopher (Nevin of Dar), Krell and Niklas (Vebla) chat a bit about the thoughts behind the Kislev army Vebla is playing.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Welcome to episode four of the Old World Lives! podcast.
In this episode Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas chat hobby progress and stumble through the first book of the Squarebased Book Club(Riders of the Dead by Dan Abnett). The main focus, aside from the book discussion, in this episode is a Kislev faction focus where Niklas presents background and rules for the Kislev forces and discuss these with Christopher and Jimmy (6th edition rules).
Shoutouts:Eight Edition for Life forum: http://eefl.freeforums.net/Looking for gamers in Lower East Michigan (get in touch with us!)London event, more info to come!

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Welcome to the third episode of The Old World Lives!
In this episode the cast talk about the differences and similarities between Warhammer 6th and 8th edition. They discuss the differences in the setting going from the darker 6th to the more epic 8th and the rules expanding and developing over the years.
This episode was recorded at two different times with the pre-recorded part consisting of a discussion between Krell and Niklas, whereas the first and last segment of the podcast consists of a discussion between Christopher and Jimmy.
(We know about the audio issues in mainly the pre-recorded segment and have been working on improving the sound for future episodes!)Enjoy!

Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
This is the second installment of the Old World Lives! podcast.
In this episode Christopher, Kristoffer and Niklas are joined by Jens, the fifth person who will be a regular contibrutor to the podcast.
This episode contains hobby talk, planning and... A whole lot of Empire talk, mainly army book discussions. This is the first installment of our army focus episodes and it will later on be both expanded with more background and fluff, and added to when we discuss other factions!

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
This is the inaugural episode of the Old World Lives podcast.
Christopher, Kristoffer, Jimmy and Niklas sit down and take their first stumbling steps as a podcast team. They introduce themselves, talk about their WHFB background and plans going forwards.