The Old World Lives! A Warhammer fantasy podcast

The Old World Lives is a Warhammer Fantasy battles podcast. The podcast aims to provide a good coverage on topics like background, army lore and rules, painting and hobbying.

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Saturday Jul 11, 2020

Welcome to episode twenty-six of The Old World Lives, a Warhammer Fantasy podcast.
This is it. It's here. The beastmen special. We're sorry. Krell made us. It's about beastmen.
The intro: Possibly Chris, Definitly Niklas and Jimmy talk news, hobby progress, BSB challenge and goes through the lovely entries of.... The APRIL MONTHLY CHALLENGE! (This episode might be delayed...)
The main: Dad jokes, tangents and occasional Beastmen talk. With Krell. We're sorry.
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlives, @maewronminiatures

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

Hello and welcome to episode 27 of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast. This episode is all about the Asur, the High Elves of Ulthuan (and just the best elves all round). 
Chris and Niklas är joined by special guest and elf-extraordinaire wildman Tim. They do a brief overview of the history of the high elves, go on some tangent and run through the 6ed army list.
Tim's Instagram: @wildmanminis. Check out his monolith!
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlives, @maewronminiatures

Wednesday May 06, 2020

Welcome to episode 25 of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast.
This episode is all about the most fiendish denizens of the Old World (or slightly beyond, really), The Daemons. 
Joining Chris and Jimmy is Peter "Flogger", Daemon expert (self-proclaimed) and Profet of the Four Divines (also self-proclaimed).
If you want to know all about Daemons and what to do with them once they've escaped the summoning circle in your basement/loft/shed, this is the episode for you (provided you want to know all about playing them in Warhammer 6th edition, that is).Timestamps for gods:Generic daemon army: (10:50)Khorne:                       (24:27)     Exalted daemons:    (34:11)Tzeentch:                     (89:55) Nurgle:                        (01:33:17)Slaanesh:                    (01:53:15)
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:
Monthly challengeMay:

Sunday Apr 19, 2020

Welcome to a bonus episode of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast. 
In this episode we are joined by the eggcrusher from down under, Rene of Ulthuan, High Elf fanboy fanboy number one.
As a bonus to the bonus, Chris and Jimmy oogles and gushes over the third Warhammer community preview!
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:
Monthly challenge April:

Saturday Apr 04, 2020

Hello and welcome to episode 24 of The Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast!
In this episode Christopher, Jimmy, and Niklas talks about the news out of the first Warhammer community Online Preview followed by a rundown of the cool models painted by the listeners for the March painting challenge.
The last segment is a rundown of the artillery types and units for Sixth edition Warhammer Fantasy battles, a tactica if you will!
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:
Monthly challenge April:

Sunday Mar 22, 2020

Welcome to episode 23 of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Podcast.
This episode Chris, Jimmy and Niklas discuss the latest news of elves from games workshop, talk a bit of hobby and... Talks all things Hordes of Chaos! Woo! Chaos!Enjoy!
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:
Monthly Challenge March:

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020

Hi and welcome to the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantast Podcast.In this episode Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas goes through recent events, the news (there's quite a lot of it this time) and our challenges so far this year.They also crown the champion of the Lord and Hero Character Conversion Challenge that ran during January and February this year. Big thank you to all who participated and congratulations to the winner!  
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:
Monthly Challenge March:

Thursday Jan 23, 2020

Hi and welcome to episode 21 of The Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Battles Podcast. 
In this episode Christopher, Jimmy and Niklas ramble for a bit about hobby, news and our two challenges currently up (and our plans for more challenges for the rest of the year). Jimmy gets lost in a pile of bits as well.
In the main segment Niklas talks about the Albion Real-time event that recently took place in London!Enjoy!Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail: theoldworldlives@gmail.comMonthly Challenge: Conversion Challenge:

Monday Dec 23, 2019

Welcome traveller. Have a seat at the fire, put up your feet and enjoy this mulled wine....
(Note: Strong Language)
This is an extra episode of the Old World Lives! a Warhammer Fantasy podcast. It is a nominal holiday episode featuring the full roster of podcasters.. for a bit.
Christopher, Kristoffer, Jens, Jimmy and Niklas all sit down and hobby and have a nice hobby chat and do a run down of some listener questions!. 
Social media:Facebook: @theoldworldlivesEmail:

Saturday Dec 14, 2019

Welcome to episode twenty of the Old World Lives! A Warhammer Fantasy Battles podcast.
In this episode we talk.... HORSES. Well, mostly. The riders play a part as well. And lets not go in to how a bull centaur is made. In text, at least!The Intro: Christopher and Niklas discuss the new Chaos warriors being released by Games Workshop, Niklas future Chaos Army plans, Made-to-order Bloodbowl Chaos dwarfs. Meanwhile; Christopher can't decide on his next painting project and they read and talk about a Listener E-mail and a fututre challenge!The Main bit: Christopher, Jens (yes, really), Jimmy and Niklas presents and discuss the Medium and Heavy cavalry unit choices in 6th ed,their uses, pros and cons. (Regiments of Renown and Daemonic cavalry is not in this special)
Facebook: @theoldworldlives
Instagram: @theoldworldlives @maewronminiatures @the_phoenecian

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